Monday, December 8, 2008

Did I mention that my other shop... a Christmas shop? Or that we are really, really, really busy this time of year? I haven't been to the yarn shop for a real day in what seems like ages! I'm so lucky to have Rachel-Marie and Faith and DJ holding down the fort! I'll be back on my knitting feet soon.


Bethany said...

It's good that you're busy! DJ was a lot of fun to talk with the other day! She's full of information! ;)

LancasterYarnShop said...

I tagged you on my blog!

DJ Corbin said...

Dear Bethany, thank you! It is such a pleasure to be a part of the LYS! Lovely people like yourself and my wonderful co-workers make the LYS a magical place to be! I remember one snowy day some 23 years ago when Wendy taught me to what a journey! What JOY!